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About Us

Helping Hands for Honduras, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt, charitable organization incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia, under the direction of the Board of Directors. Since its establishment in the year 2001, our organization's number one priority has been to support Honduran children and young adults with Congenital Heart Defects. Our program has grown dramatically due to the huge number of children who were not treated due to the lack of hospitals and trained health professionals in this specialized field.


  • Annually help an average of 150 children and young adults with congenital heart defects.
  • Accomplish our mission along with a team of highly qualified and committed health professionals.
  • Work through institutional partnerships to grant quality services.


  • To commit ourselves to save children and young adults with congenital heart defects who otherwise would not have a chance to live.
  • To rely on the necessary economic resources to provide support to Hondurans through our programs and projects.
  • To provide necessary humanitarian aid and medical equipment to the public hospitals of Honduras.
  • To establish teams of highly trained physicians, surgeons and pediatric specialists to provide free cardiac surgeries and provide treatment to Honduran children and young adults with heart defects.


  • Develop our activities and programs with responsibility, commitment and transparency.
  • Provide attention to all children and young people affected with congenital heart disease, regardless of their nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political ideology, etc.
  • Attend to our community with teamwork and professionalism.
  • Partner with El Hospital Leonardo Martinez and Hospital CEMESA, in San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Honduras to provide Honduran children with cardiac care.

What We Do

  • Coordinate travel and surgery for Honduran children to hospitals in the United States for open-heart surgeries, catheterization, ablations, etc.
  • Bring cardiovascular medical teams to Honduras to attend to children and young adults
  • Donate medical supplies to public hospitals nationwide.